Basic Usage

Important note

The Flask Keyword server must be running on the host computer to be able to access keywords.

Command line access

The commands are similar to the show/modify commands available on instrument servers, but with a ‘k’ in front. Because this package can run on any computer, it needs to know which instrument host or other host to connect to. This is specified with the option -host. For example, to get the tmp1 keyword from the kt1s server on KCWI, use:

kshow -host kcwiserver kt1s tmp1

A keyword can be modified using:

kmodify -host kcwiserver kbds object "Feige110"

The list of keywords for a server can be obtained with:

kshowkeywords -host kcwiserver kbgs

A day worth of values can be plotted using:

kplot -host kcwiserver kbvs pressure

If both ports 5002 and 5006 are accessible or forwarded, a live stream can be generated with:

kstream -host kcwiserver kt1s tmp1

Permanently specify the default host

If you are mostly using a single instrument, it is convenient to permanently specify the host to connect to. This is done by creating a file called .config/keckkeywords.ini in your home directory. The file should contain the following lines:

host = kcwiserver

A simple way to create such a file is to run the kshow command without specifying a host:

kshow kt1s tmp1

If the configuration file doesn’t exist, KeckKeywords will not show the keyword and report an error, but it will also create a default configuration file that can be edited.